On The Road With "Olivia"

Adventures on a Folding Bike

Air Quality Alert.

I woke up this morning to heavy smoke in the valley. We have several fires in California bringing a great deal of smoke into the Eastern Sierras. As a cyclist, these high AQI days are a problem. Fortunately I am in good shape- no heart or lung issues- and can deal with this. However,  I have to drink a lot more water to overcome the effects of the smoke.

Sunrise through the smoke at Lake Topaz. Yuk!

Sunrise through the smoke at Lake Topaz. Yuck!

6 comments on “Air Quality Alert.

  1. Luanne
    September 10, 2015

    Even tho the air was thick with smoke, the sunrise was still spectacular! Even bad days can have a glimmer of beauty/hope!


    • Doug T.
      September 11, 2015

      I agree that the sunrise shot was spectacular. It’s not bad except when you have to breath it!


      • Luanne
        September 11, 2015

        Breathing is overrated when there is a sunrise as gorgeous
        as this one, and the one today!


  2. Doug T.
    September 11, 2015

    I was riding Olivia today at work this morning. The air was still pretty smokey. I had a hard time breathing as I was climbing up one of the steep hills. The smoke was awful and I didn’t even have a pretty sunrise to look at! 8^(


    • Luanne
      September 12, 2015

      I am sorry, Toots! Be glad that you aren’t at work today as the AQL (what does the ‘L’ stand for?) is worse! YOu can see the brown/grey in the sky floating around like a giant blanket. Its awful! Today you can ride Oma in the house and watch Holland go riding by.


  3. Pingback: One Year Down the Road | On The Road With "Olivia"

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